How to Round Numbers in Python?

Article updated on Saturday, March 16, 2024.

How to Round Numbers in Python?

In Python, rounding is done using the round() function.

The round() function rounds a decimal number to the nearest integer. It also rounds floating-point numbers to a specified decimal place.

Let’s see a practical example directly:

number = round(42.21)

This will assign the value to the number variable:


To round up or down, you can use the ceil() and floor() functions from Python’s math module.

import math

up = math.ceil(42.1)
down = math.floor(42.1)


This will assign the values to the up and down variables:

43  # up
42  # down

How to Round to a Decimal Place in Python?

The round() function takes a second parameter: the number of decimal places to round to.

number = round(42.214284, 2)

This will assign the value to the number variable:


How to Round Up in Python?

Python’s math module’s ceil() function rounds a number to its next highest integer.

import math

number = math.ceil(42.000001)

This will assign the value to the number variable:


The ceil() function rounded our number up to the next integer even though 42.000001 is closer to 42 than to 43.

How to Round Down in Python?

Python’s math module’s floor() function rounds a number to its next lowest integer.

import math

number = math.floor(42.999999)

This will assign the value to the number variable:


The floor() function rounded our number down to the next lowest integer even though 42.999999 is closer to 43 than to 42.

How Will You Perform Rounding?

Congratulations! You now know the three native ways in Python to round numbers 🎉

We’ve covered rounding a number to the nearest integer, rounding up or down, and rounding to a specified number of decimal places.

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Thomas Collart

Hey, I'm Thomas 👋 Here, you'll find articles about tech, and what I think about the world. I've been coding for 20+ years, built many projects including Startups. Check my About/Start here page to know more :).